Classical Five Element Acupuncture is an ancient system of medicine rooted in the Taoist tradition, which is based on Natural Law. This system uses small needles and moxibustion (burning Chinese mugwort) to clear blockages in the energy.
Few needles are used and not usually left in for long periods of time.
Moxibustion, the burning of Chinese mugwort is used to tonify points.
Sessions are tailored to individuals, the time of day and each season.
The same treatment is rarely repeated.
Treatments focus on the cause, not the symptoms or patterns.
Each treatment includes a discussion, an exam and an acupuncture treatment which can last 1-2 hours.
Frequency can be determined on a case-by-case basis, however weekly treatments can help build momentum.
Cost is $240.00 for the Traditional Diagnosis and first treatment; $120.00 for follow up treatments. Insurance is not accepted.